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Poesias de Sophia Porto

Sophia tem 14 anos e estuda no FB central. Desde muito cedo, escreve poemas e canções. Escrever é um de seus hobbies favoritos, o outro é cantar. Seus poemas geralmente abordam temas como o amor idealizado, saúde mental e conceitos filosóficos em geral. Profundo, não é? Especialmente para uma jovem adolescente. Ela foi uma das primeiras colocadas na Coletânea FB 2021 e ainda teve a oportunidade de escrever um livro que está aberto ao público no App do Wattpad. Curiosos, admiradores e apaixonados pela leitura e música podem acompanhar alguns de seus trabalhos artísticos musicais pelo YouTube com músicas autorais (sophiemusic) e pelo Instagram com alguns covers (@sophis_loves_food). Disponibilizamos três de suas poesias aqui para seu deleite. Contudo, o brilhantismo de Sophia é tanto que ela tem escritos muito em inglês, talvez para justificar o seu próprio nome – Sophia que significa “sabedoria”.



Lonely war

Sometimes we feel lost
Without anyone to hear us
We ask what is the cost
To find happiness in the chaos

Friends come and go
People change their minds faster than the wind
You miss your chilhood, but now is getting old
You can’t forget them so easily

It feels like there isn’t anyone caring about it
Even if some people are worried
Looking at high places asking what is like to fall
Touching the clounds and listening to angel’s poetry

In the end, there is still a light
Our minds can put us up high
I still see your future shinning bright
The friend we need is reflected in the mirror

But why are we so afraid of loneliness?
In the end, we all know self love is the key
It seems to be a labirint without a scape chance
So we try to keep this fear hidden between laughts and tears

Don’t be afraid, they say
But unfortunely words can’t control our minds
The fear is taking over. We feel sorry for not being that brave
We all see bravery and happiness being showed by others, while it isn’t our case

What is a real friend?
Drowing in waters of doubts
Living in a selfish land
All we want is the victory of this war

Peace and war – we are fighting for peace
In the end, we still don’t know the answer
But we keep fighting, without reasons
Just figh! One day, you’ll finnally understand why I want you to stay.

Nature calling

It’s easy to get lost in this world
Where everything is out of control
Walking down a street in a rainy night
Wispering to yourself : “It will be fine!”

Now it’s morning: sun is up, very bright
You wake up, gotta get to work, try.
Walking downstairs, run fast
Sunlight at your eyes, but tears on your heart

Tiring day, many activies, obligations…
You ask: “Shouldn’t I take a break?”
Giving yourself a time sounds like a sin
Everyone is working so hard to fit in

The sky is dark like your melancholy
Club lights and laughs make a contrast
Ordinary routine… you don’t feel human
Running away sounds a clever plan

Students get anxiety and perfecionism
Workers are tasting the money’s world
All we want to do is find the right road
To find our primitivy spirits, to listen to the wind in the trees, to see waves in the ocean…

Mother nature calls for your freendom
Take some risks, taste nature
Don’t be afraid of failure
Because we were born to be humans.

Midnight kiss

Kiss me until midnight
Your eyes will find mine
Let’s get blind by love
Your words made my ego a god

They love you tonight
Until someone prettier arrives
The fear you kept inside
It’s showing its darkest side

Afraid of being forgotten
Being lied to, not loved
The truth is: you fell in love
But not with a person

You fell in love with promisses
They took you away from loneliness
Feeling loved by a lovely ghost
Memories of euphoria and gold

The end is closer than ever
Your alter ego was right, clever.
Those voices in your head
Bring its soul to be sad

But why do you care?
Do you miss promisses?
Do you want to be someone’s first option?
Have you ever been your first option?

Veja mais

Márcio Correia

Graduado em Psicologia e Inglês, pela UMHB, nos EUA, e com cursos de aperfeiçoamento em gerenciamento e marketing feitos ao longo de sua vida, Márcio é um entusiasta e adora gente, cultura, festas e novidades. Já morou nos EUA por muitos anos e sempre que pode encontra novos lugares para conhecer. Acumula boas experiências nas áreas da música, moda, design, arquitetura e organização de eventos. Já foi colunista em um jornal local e atualmente organiza eventos sociais e empresariais, além de ser professor de inglês e assinar a coluna OCASIONAIS para o Portal ConceituAdo

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